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Lynda Simmons, who is also known as the ‘Duchess of Bedford’ started her

TEA for YOU business over 15 years ago.

Her tea education is through the World Tea Organization and she is

Certified by the Specialty Tea Institute.


She is also an Etiquette Specialist and a member of the Etiquette Institute in St. Louis where she received her certification in Social, Business and Children’s Etiquette.


Lynda does Tea and Etiquette speaking presentations and can be reached at 603.365.1406 for additional information.


She will design a specific program for You, your Children or your Company.


Lynda was featured in the Her America documentary produced by A & E / Lifetime in 2018.


Article in The Cooks Cook Magazine



Photo credit: Dachowski Photography


Lynda Simmons - "Duchess of Bedford"  |  603-365-1406    |    TEASFORYOU@AOL.COM   

© 2020 by Tea For You & Etiquette Too!

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